
Showing posts from May, 2018


Chong Siong Loong Ron (0334452)  Illustration and Visual Narrative  Project 1 - Character Design 09/04/18 (Week 3) This project is all about creating our own character. Once we got familiar with how to create a character using all the tools that we have learn in the previous exercise ( VORMATOR), we were told that we could create another character.  1.1 Greyscale 1.2 Greyscale with  shadow 1.3 Colour Swatches image 1.4 Final character with only colour  Once we finalised our character, we are advised to create a background to put our character in. I decided to create a space themed background , with my character in the forest surrounded with trees or floating in the sky with the view of mountains and sky.  1.5 1st attempt with my character floating in the sky 1.6 2nd attempt with my character surrounding with tress (final) 16/04/18...


CHONG SIONG LOONG RON ( 0334452 ) Illustration & Visual Narrative Exercise  INSTRUCTIONS  Week 1 ( Vormator Elements Tracing Exercise ) Objective : Familiarise myself with Adobe Illustrator  Problem : I am not very good in tracing image in AI , besides from using image trace feature  Problem Solve : Practice more and by paying attention in class    1.1. Exercise 1 - Traced Vormator Elements Reflection: After  practicing a lot on the pen tool , I found out that through mastering the pen tool we can do a lot more just by using the pen tool.  Week 2 ( Vormator Elements Tracing Exercise ) 2.1. Vormator Character Creations Week 6 ( Tracing  ) We got to learn how to use the pen tool to trace out shape of a pear and later on use the knife tool and  divide on pathfinder to create shadows and highlight and split the fruit to create an...


08/05/2018 - 15/05/2018 ( Week 6 - Week 8 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron (0334452) Typography Project 1 "Babadook story book" LECTURE NOTES Lecture 6 01/05/18 - Week 6 Public holiday  ( Labour Day ) Lecture 7 08/05/18 - Week 7 We have to  understand the meaning behind the text and try to express the texts in the expression. the keying term refers to be automatic adjustment of space between letters. it is often mistakenly referred to as 'letter spacing' , In fact, lettering means to add space between letters. The addition and removal of space in a word or sentence is referred to as 'tracking'.  - Kerning : is to reduce spacing between letters  - Lettering spacing : increase spacing between letter - Tracking : both reducing and increasing spaces between letter  Lecture 8 15/05/18 - Week 8 Indentation is A gap in the beginning of a text to separate paragraphs and to min...