08/05/2018 - 15/05/2018 ( Week 6 - Week 8 )
Chong Siong Loong Ron (0334452)
Project 1 "Babadook story book"


Lecture 6
01/05/18 - Week 6

Public holiday ( Labour Day )

Lecture 7
08/05/18 - Week 7

We have to understand the meaning behind the text and try to express the texts in the expression. the keying term refers to be automatic adjustment of space between letters. it is often mistakenly referred to as 'letter spacing' , In fact, lettering means to add space between letters. The addition and removal of space in a word or sentence is referred to as 'tracking'. 

- Kerning : is to reduce spacing between letters 
- Lettering spacing : increase spacing between letter
- Tracking : both reducing and increasing spaces between letter 

Lecture 8

15/05/18 - Week 8

Indentation is A gap in the beginning of a text to separate paragraphs and to minimize the cost of papers in the past.In justified text both widows and orphans are considered serious gaffes. Widow: A short line of type left alone at the end of a column of text. Orphan: A short line of type left alone at the start of new column to highlight the text we have 4 main things we have to look on 1st is change the colour coding. 2nd we have to use bold. 3rd we have to change the font and size. 4th is to change the text box colour. 


1.1 Project instruction from typography module information booklet


Week 7 

2.1 1st draft of Mr Babadok (cover)

2.2 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 2-3)

2.3 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 4-5)

2.4 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 6-7)

2.5 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 8-9)

2.6 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 10-11)

2.7 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 12-13)

2.8 1st draft of Mr Babadok (page 14)

Thumbnails of Mr Babadok

After receiving feedback from Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul, changes were made to the book.

Week 8

3.1 Final design of Mr Babadok (cover)

3.2 Final design of Mr Babadok (2-3)

 3.3 Final design of Mr Babadok (4-5)

  3.4 Final design of Mr Babadok (6-7)

  3.5 Final design of Mr Babadok (8-9)

   3.6 Final design of Mr Babadok (10-11)

 3.7 Final design of Mr Babadok (12-13)

3.8 Final design of Mr Babadok (14-15)

3.9 Final design of Mr Babadok (16)

3.8 Thumbails of Mr Babadook

Embedded PDF of Mr Babadook 

3.9 front cover of the hard copy

 3.10 page 2-3 of the hard copy

 3.11 page 8-9 of the hard copy

 3.12 last page of the hard copy


Week 6

Public holiday ( Labour Day )

Week 7

Specific Feedback : Mr Vinod and mr shamus said I did a good job in my type expression " stress " but they gave some advice to improve on my art work, after getting the feedbacks from the lecturer I redo my art work.

General feedback : Mr Vinod had explained clearly the difference between a force line break and a normal spacing. he had also instructed us to use only one type family first. we should try to express. the type family then decide to introduce more type families. despite of that, alignment is an important role when creating layout/design. we should also consider the contrast, balance and hierarchy to create an eye movement in our story book.

Week 8

Specific feedback : After I enhance my type expression "stress" Mr Shamsul said its much more expressive than the previous art work. Project 1, overall Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul said I have a good spread but there is some part of the text that my leading space in the paragraph is not consistent and my last page need to be improved its too simple.

General feedback : We have to follow his system as in copying all the text into "in design" than spread it out and check how many page do we need in total, if were to follow his system there will not be much problem in the layout for the story book. We have to be consistent in the layout, font , the way we express our word or sentence. we have to express maximum 4 sentences.



Week 6
Public holiday ( Labour Day )

Week 7

I was having trouble in the process, I had a hard time to do this story book because InDesign is new too me and I have not used it before so I was having trouble familiarising it in a short time because we need to finish the street book within 3 hours.

Week 8

I finally getting familiar with InDesign and understand how to do it in the right process and that went behind designing the layout , which made my progress on the story book very much faster n easier.


Week 6
Public holiday ( Labour Day )

Week 7

I have a lot of idea on how to design this story book but after undressing the brief we are restricted and we need to follow the brief to do the right thing.

Week 8

I finally after familiarise the application and finally I can express all my ideas out and the spacing in-between every lines is very important because it can affect the design as a whole.


Week 6
Public holiday ( Labour Day )

Week 7

I have to plan before hand when it comes to the type setting and layout of the story book design, because we have to keep the consistency of layout and typesetting throughout the whole story book.

Week 8

I finally understand why is typesetting and layout so important because if we have different type setting and layout the story book will look messy and the story does not look like one story it looks like every page have a different story.


01/05/2018 Week 6 

The Field Guide To Typography by Peter Dawson

As modern society and technology reinvents and expands the way in which we communicate, we are increasingly confront with a vast array of message, be they printed, online or surrounding us in the built environment. The number of the font available, in all style and categories, is now well over 150,000 and rising by the day

The field guide to typography identifies and provides contexts to over 125 typeface commonly used and seen today, will help in the spotter identity the familiar and not so familiar typeface that we see around us in our day to day lives. this book explains about the thinking behind their design , the story of the development and the impact they have had on people , organisations , community and even countries.

08/05/2018 Week 7

Designing for print by Charles Conover

This book addresses both the technical and theoretical aspect of design and how they can apply in specified project design. The first few chapters focus on applying design theory and cover the general design guideline regarding proper and effective use of typography, creating and using page format and working grids to achieve interesting page composition and successfully combining type and imagery.

The later chapters are more technical in nature and cover advance typography treatment technical illustration and imaging techniques. the last chapter addresses how to properly format and prepare design project for final output. by covering the many difference ways that a design can be approach, by being familiar with the range of compositional options and typographical and imaging technical available to them.

15/05/2018 Week 8

Form and Communication by Rob Carter, Ben Day, Philip Meggs

Typography has undergone continuous changes over the past 6 decades. The intention is to provide a concise yet comprehensive over view of the fundamental information necessary for the effective typographic design practice . A knowledge of form and communication encompasses a range of subject including our typographic heritage, letter form anatomy, visual organisation, and the interface between form and meaning.

In addition to the fundamental, this column present other topic critical to inform design practise. A chapter devoted to typography design process with reveals traditional as well as non- traditional method and practice. An understanding the typographic classification and forms subtlety is gain from the study of type specimen.


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