
Showing posts with the label Design Methodology


11/06/2019 - 02/07/2019 ( Week 11 - Week 14 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Dissertation  Final Project : Research for publication  INSTRUCTIONS week 11  for this week we was brief for this new project, as we was told that we have to find 3 suitable journals for our dissertation. on the other hadn't we are supposed to have a short rationale on why is that chosen journal suitable for our topic.  Week 12 we have to start on our article with also a full rationale on why is that journal suitable for our topic. Week 14 for this week we have to Submit our final article by following the format of the journal that we have chosen. this is the information that I found for my chosen journal   FEEDBACK  week 11 no feedback only lecture week 12  the 3 chosen journal is ok, but Elsevier is the suitable one fo...


07/05/2019 - 04/06/2019 ( Week 6 - Week 10 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Dissertation  Project 2: Complete Dissertation with Visual Design Publication INSTRUCTIONS 13/05/2019 (Week 7) For today we have to come out with a slide to show ms jinchi about our initial idea for our book design, with a short rationale on why would we choose that path.  28/05/2019 (Week 9) For this week we have to work on our own as the design book must be submitted by next week.   Image 1: Process Image 2: Process Image 3: Process Image 4: Process 07/06/2019 (Week 10) Final design dissertation book.  Final book design PDF PDF Final Turn it in report  FEEDBACK  week 7 - feedback (online) I have to write a short rationale to support how would my chosen book design fits into my research topic week 8 - feedback online The...


02/04/2019 - 07/05/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 6 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Dissertation  Project 1: Research Implementation - Draft Dissertation INSTRUCTIONS 02/04/2019 ( Week 1 ) In our first class of this module, we were briefed and introduce to what this module is all about and how are we going to move forward from the previous module.  1st, for our project we have to create a draft of our dissertation, the contents that are needed is too included in the assignment brief. we were told to refresh our memory on our slides from the previous semester.  In the class ms jinchi told us to create a matrix for out topic. Based on our research question we have to highlight the key words which we will be discussing in our dissertation. For each keyword/topic, we need to have different columns for individual columns.       09/04/2019 ( Week 2 ) after the matrix's is done we...


Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Methodology Research Report and Presentation INSTRUCTION  20/11/2018 ( Week 13 ) Its a public holiday so there was no class. Ms Jinchi sent us a message thought times to inform us to send her our data collection and data analysis, and an update on our presentation. Presentation plan For my final presentation, I will start off with introducing my research topic , problem, question and objective, after that I will explain why I use survey questionnaire as one of my tool to get my primary data and also on my is sue focus as my second tool with using the secondary data I have collected to prove and relate back why is my two method that I have choose is relevant for my topic. lastly by explaining that final summaries of all the data that I have collected.  Here's the full set of slides,  1. Full compilation slides of my...


02/10/2018 - 06/11/18 ( Week 7 - Week 11 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron  Design Research Methodology - Research Implementation  LECTURE NOTES 02/10/2018 ( Week 6 ) This week we got a lecture on research strategy. The first part we discussed about was two types of research method which are quantitative and qualitative. 16/10/2018 (Week 8) This week is a continuation of week 6 where is also about the various research method for data collection. This research is through primary sources includes observation, interview as well as questionnaire.  INSTRUCTIONS 09/10/2018 (Week 7) for this week, we have to start thinking about the research method to collect the necessary primary data. 16/10/2018 (Week 8) After some thinking and planning, I decided to go with qualitative method as well as focus group. FEEDBACK : Ms Jinchi said that the 3 method chosen is more or less correct where the main purpose of my study is to f...


25/09/2018 - 16/10/18 ( Week 5 - Week 8 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Methodology - Research  LECTURE NOTES  25/09/2018 ( Week 5 ) For this week Dr. Hayati briefed us about our project 2 which is writing critical review as for our school project which is the research, we are required to choose or search for relevant journal articles and at the same time we need to critically review them. She mentioned that a critical review is when we analyse and evaluate an article with understanding including looking into the strengths and weaknesses. while we are reading the article we should also reflect and create questions. As a reminder going through the references from the article is helpful.  While writing our caritas review, we should looks at is achieved ( research objective ), than gather up all the points to organise them and make sure tha...


28/08/2018 - 18/09/2018 ( Week 1 - Week 4 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Methodology  LECTURE NOTES  Lecture 1  28/08/2018 ( Week 1 ) For the 1st class, Ms Jinchi start to brief us on the module outline, and ms jinchi also explain on what are we expected from this module and how should we start with the research. After all the explanations We was assign by Ms Jinchi that we have to come up with a presentation with our field of interest. We had to include our main research topic and problem both stating the issue that we plan to research. Lecture 2  04/09/2018 ( Week 2 ) For this week Ms jinchi started the class with explaining on the tasks that we are supposed to do for week 3 and due to public holiday for week 3, we have to send our work through email or times, after everything was assign We have to explain about our topic and problem to both of our lecturer, after the presentation we have to get all the...