
Showing posts with the label Packaging and Merchandising Design


03/06/2019 - 01/06/2019 (Week 10 - Week 14) Chong Siong Loong Ron (0334452) Packaging & Merchandising Design Final Project : Merchandising and Packaging   INSTRUCTIONS Week 10   for this week we was brief on our final project which we have a collaboration with the interior design student, as they will give us the brief of this project, and we have to create a few merchandise and a packaging for the merchandise, and we have to also refine their logo that they have created.   Image 1, Brief by ID student As for this project, is that the ID student is creating a lantern creating hub which only teach people how to create traditional Chinese lantern, as the logo has been create by the student and I have to refine it and come out with two merchandise based on the brief given, as the main colour they are talking about is red, black and brown. There is no main thing that has been stated by the ID student.  Week 11 ...


06/05/2019 - 27/05/2019 (Week 6 - Week 9) Chong Siong Loong Ron (0334452) Packaging & Merchandising Design Project 2: Traditional toy packaging  INSTRUCTIONS Week 7  For this week, Mr Shamsul brief us on our next assignment which we have to create a packaging for a traditional Malaysia game: List of Traditional Malaysian Toy/Games 1. Congkak 2. Gasing 3. Capteh 4. Batu Seremban 5. Mahjong 6. Wau 7. Sepak Raga/ Sepak Takraw 8. Chinese Yo-yo 9. Chinese Chess Finally, I decided to do a packaging for Chinese chess, as I start doing some research and coming out with my own sketches.  Week 8  for this week I came out with some design on what I want to do, for this idea I wanted to do something different which is by creating a a packaging in the game, as I want my design on the game board to be a selling point, and to stand out as compared to other ...


15/4/19 - 14/5/19 (Week 3 - Week 7) Chong Siong Loong Ron (0334452) Packaging & Merchandising Design Project 1: Paper Bag, Book Sleeve Design INSTRUCTIONS Week 3  For this week, Mr Shamsul beefed us on the first project, for this project we have to design a paper, a book sleeve and also one the merchandise of our own choice based on the book design that we have designed. we need to show some sketches by next week.  Week 4  for this week I came out with a few sketch of the 3 item that we was asked to work on  Image 1, sketches of paper bag  Image 2, sketches Book Sleeve Image 3, sketches Post card holder Week 5  For this week I need to show the mock up Image 4, die line of post card holder  Image 5, die line book sleeve and paper bag Image 6, die line process Image 6, die line process ...


01/04/2019 - 29/04/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 5 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Publishing design  Project 1  LECTURE NOTES Week 2  - Lecture slides " Packaging Design " we had a lecture on packaging design where it begins form how to make a perfect packaging design, to what the consumers wants, and also the role of packaging. We did touch on the how the content should be displayed on a packaging. week 2 - lecture by the students  In that same day, a group presented a lecture on the history of packaging. Week 4 - Lecture by students the topic that they are going to talk about is colours in packaging design. we have to learn that colours plays an important role when it comes to packaging design. INSTRUCTIONS 01/04/2019 ( Week 1 ) for this week we were required to go to a supermarket and find those packaging that matches the different criteria given to us. Photographs should be taken and docu...