
Showing posts with the label Minor Project


26/08/2019 - 27/11/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 14 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Minor Project : Eco FRIEND-ly Final Compilation of Build for Tomorrow and Reflection Project Tracking Files  Production Timeline  Presentation Slides  Reflection  Week 1 This week is our 1st class for minor project, as Mr Mike briefed us about what is aspected from this project and basically we have to build and design a campaign to promote sustainable living with Earthship in collaboration with Build For Tomorrow. Right after that we have to choose our group for the module, as we are going to work together for the whole project. As my group is named as Eco FRIEND-ly and the group consists of Allen Liew, Chee Kent, Sam Mun Hoe, Brian, Jessy and Me (Ron Chong). Week 2 For this week, we had Mr Ruben Cortes (the founder of Build For Tomorrow) to give us a introduction on what is Earthship and what is his vision for the...