
Showing posts from January, 2020


13/01/2020 - 06/03/2020 ( Week 1 - Week 8 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Industrial Training  Continuous Assessment - Blog   INSTRUCTIONS Continues Assessment Task during intern  Task 1 - Planning for instagram post for "Rubber Duckie Day" Task 2 - Design website "The Riser" Task 3 - Redesign website for "SHINE Award"  Task 4 -  Redesign website for "Centre for future learning" Task 5 - Updating & Adding new club to the existing club and society website   Task 6 -  Update website "Inbound Summer Programme" Task 1  For task 1,  Taylors is celebrating the International Rubber Duckie Day, as they put up a huge yellow rubber duck on the lake. so for my 1st task I have to plan on how we should promote the Huge Rubber Duck we had on the Taylor's lake, on the Taylors instagram platform, 1st I have to plan out the post of the rubber duck for the instagram feed, 2nd...