29/5/2018 - 26/6/2018 (week 10 - week 14)

Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 )
Final Project - Event typography   


Lecture 10

Public holiday ( Vesak day )
Because today was a public holiday , we were given a task on facebook by mr Vinod to compose a 150 word essay based on something that we love and hate.

Lecture 11

Mr Shamsul went ahead to give a lecture based on print and screens. Prints, it tends to experience with typography today but it changes based on how the pages are rendered. Font size on paper would affect our reading as the appearance is much smaller in term of point size. Good typefaces for print consists of Caston, Garamond and Baskerville, which are normally common. As for screen types, it often enhances readability and performance in terms of being on screen rather than being on paper in a variety of digital environments. On screen, letterforms would be wider, spacings would be opened, the x-height of words would appear taller and that the ascenders and decenders would be reduced. Proportions would differ when we're using either a PC, tablets and phones as different sized pixels are used and it is normally considered as inches.   

Lecture 12

Public holiday

Lecture 13

No lecture 


1.1 Project instructions 

Event typography ( week 10 - week 13 )

29/5/2018 ( Week 10 )

There was no class for this week , we were given a task on facebook by mr vinod to compose a 150 word essay based on something that we love and hate, so I took it to Microsoft word and composed both essays. 

1.2 Love essay " Traveling "

 1.3 Hate essay " Cockroach "

05/06/2018 ( week 11 )

After tying out the essay, we had to transfer it to indesign for further progress for the final project. Mr vinod told us to create two A4 templates with margins and columns to help us with alignment and consistency. In those A4 pages, we had to create a square with a measurement of 200mm x 200mm with an outline of 0.5pt. with the text inside the square, we had to pick an appropriate typeface for each essay and format it . we had to focus on alignment, kerning and letter spacing.

 1.4 Process

 1.5 Process " LOVE " essay

1.6 Process " HATE " essay

1.7 Pdf of essay love and hate

12/06/2018 ( week 12 )

This week was another holiday so there was no class. Mr vinod gave instruction at the facebook group, we have to come up with a short title for the both texts and sketch 3 possible ways to express our title, after its done we have to take a picture and upload to the final project eporfolio  

 1.8 Sketches title for " LOVE " 1st attempt 

1.9 Sketches title for " HATE " 1st attempt 

At 1st I didn't know what to do, so decided to do a title for easy of the paragraph " love and hate " what I did was " traveling if life and no cockroach ". After this two title is done immediately I got an idea of the work that we was assign which is Create one title for both title. " TRAVELING BUT NO COCKROACH "

 2.0 Final sketches for the title of two paragraph 

2.1 Process

19/06/2018 ( week 13 )

After the title is done, we have to proceed with creating a art work or a composition by using our title and the two paragraphs that we wrote on " love and hate "and we have to sketch out thumbnail sized idea to be later translated onto Indesign. 

 2.2 1st attempt sketches for the layout of the composition 

after I did a few sketches of my layout I when up to the lecturers and the they said that is not supposed to be like that , after that mr vinod showed examples on how to do the correct way for out sketches. Than by using mr Vinod's way I created more different layout for my composition before transferring it to indesign.

2.3 2nd attempt sketches for the layout of the composition 

After the thumbnails is done, immediately we have to transfer our design into InDesign and mr vinod said that if possible we have to finish up this by the end of the class. 

 2.4 1st attempt

2.5 Screenshot of 1st attempt 

 2.6 2nd attempt

2.7 Screenshot of 2nd attempt 

 2.8 3rd attempt

2.9 Screenshot of 3rd attempt

3.0 4th attempt 

3.1 Screenshot of 4th attempt

 3.2 Final attempt

3.3 Screenshot of final attempt 


Week 10 

Public holiday 

Week 11 

No feedback

Week 12 


Week 13

Specific feedback : Mr vinod said that the 1st and 2nd attempt is too safe as in its too straightforward and simple, but for my 3rd attempt was fair enough with some of the details I did. but mr vinod asked me to carry on creating more layout and the most important thing is I must think out of the box. After mr vinod gave me some advice , from there I worked on my 4th and 5th attempt.

General feedback : Mr vinod gave us some instructions regarding the final assignment. with a string point of developing some sketches, he advice us to sketch with a quick speed, as in letting out all of our ideas rather than taking out time on one sketch which could be a waste of time. He told us that not only are we creating a layout, but an artwork. he also told us that further reading on our portfolio are considered as research.



Week 10 

Public holiday 

Week 11

I transferred our two paragraph of text from words to InDesign , there is where is tricky because we have to format the text by looking on the leading , kerning , alignment etc.

Week 12 


Week 13 

I experienced on creating a nice layout of the two paragraph of text , we have to create a artwork that we will be proud to hang it on the wall. Next we have to do a thumbnails sketch of the design and layout, than after its done we have to transfer out design to InDesign , and is not easy because the text is in different size or the length compared to our sketches.


Week 10 

Public holiday 

Week 11 

I observed that just by copying the text in from words , we have to reformat the text by looking on the tracing , leading , ragging etc.

Week 12


Week 13

I observed that when ever I stop my pencil on sketching out the layout for my artwork I tent to get slower and my ideas will be lesser , when I continuesly pour out my idea on the graph paper there is where I obeserved that I have more variety of sketches. 


Week 10 

Public holiday 

Week 11 

Is not easy to achieve a good and comfortable sense of readability for such a long paragraph of text and to get a consistent ragging for the both text.

Week 12 


Week 13 

When we are doing the sketches for our artwork , we can't stop and think about the idea we have , by stopping our idea will automatically stop coming out from our brain, I find that when ever I keep on pouring out my ideas on the graph paper I will Geta. Different varieties of layout.


29/05/2018 week 10 

Exploring typography by Tova Rabinowitz Deer 

According to the author, legibility refers to the ease with which a reader can recognise and differentiate between letterform . Terrible handwriting for example, is a form illegibility. when letterform vary too much from their simplest forms, readers may feel confused or frustrated hence, reducing comprehension. Even if the text is legible, reader may find it difficult to read if a layout is messy or crowded.

Styles of typeface 

( familiarity, type style, colour and value , typography colour , texture of type )

Size and shape of type 

( stroke weight, contrast, set width, point size )


( contrast between text and background , texture , surface )

Typeface selection 

( consistency of form , proportion and spacing, variety of point size )

Arrangement of letterforms 

( alignment , measures , widows and orphans )

Negatives spaces in a layout 

( lettering spacing , kerning , tracking , word spacing , paragraph demarcation)

05/06/2018 week 11

Mastering type by Denise Bosler 

Consider when establishing grid 

  • the grid should not be so simple that the design becomes monotonous.
  • allow the smallest images to define the size of columns, rows, and modules. 
  • leave room for flexibility, especially for the headline.
  • allow for adequate white spacing, to help the eye flow through the content.
  • using the rules of halves is acceptable.
  • make sure the gird reflects the connotations of the content being presented.
  • a grid should work with the content, not fight it. 
Hierarchy in layout design refers to different types of information of varying degrees of importance. it is determined by size, position, visual weight and colour. Hierarchy is so important when presenting information because wrong hierarchy, or a lack thereof, will confuse or alienate a viewer.

Factor that influence visual hierarchy is all about size, position, visual weight in typography, colour, contrast.

19/06/2018 week 13 

What is typography? by David Jury

If we were to consider the normal, everyday activities that consume our lives, it would quickly become apparent that typography is ubiquitous and inescapable. for the most part, this materials is routines and boring. but it is also for the most part essential.

Typography and writing have always been closely entwined: typography being the discipline and professional practice that mediates between the contents of the message and the receiving readership. therefore, to understand typography, one must also obtains a knowledge and understanding of language and how it is adapted to function in various social contexts.  


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