25/09/2018 - 16/10/18 ( Week 5 - Week 8 )
Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 )
Design Research Methodology - Research
25/09/2018 ( Week 5 )
For this week Dr. Hayati briefed us about our project 2 which is writing critical review as for our school project which is the research, we are required to choose or search for relevant journal articles and at the same time we need to critically review them. She mentioned that a critical review is when we analyse and evaluate an article with understanding including looking into the strengths and weaknesses. while we are reading the article we should also reflect and create questions. As a reminder going through the references from the article is helpful.
While writing our caritas review, we should looks at is achieved ( research objective ), than gather up all the points to organise them and make sure that is in logical sequence of presenting the idea
02/10/2018 ( Week 6 )
For this week we had a lecture on what is qualitative and quantitative
25/09/2018 ( Week 5 )
For this week task, we would already need to have a section of relevant publications such as journal articles to be part of our secondary research. it would be good if u can evaluate and critic on them already and it would be also good if u have draft out the article that u have read on n show it on the next class.
02/10/2018 ( Week 6 )
In this week's class Ms jinchi came back, I went up to her and asked what exactly do we need to do for this assignment. So after the clarification, we have to do a critical review based on research paper ( not websites , not blogs , not normal articles ) which includes the abstract and research methodology / research method /case study. so what ever I did last week was totally wrong because I wrote my review on websites or normal article and totally not research paper. So the websites I rescuer on is totally wrong, so I have to start to find ( 10 - 12 ) to do a critical review on every one of them.
Ms Jinchi told us a few point to look to identify is that paper a proper research paper to read on:
- Title
- Journal name
- Author
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Survey methodology / Research method etc...
09/10/2018 ( Week 7 )
For this class, we had a one to one consultation with ms Jinchi on our critical reviews, till today I only did 5 critical review where I am still confused and not sure did I do it the correct way, I went and hear my friends consultation with ms Jinchi to know what feedback or things to observe where I may have the same mistake I made. I was called by ms jinchi, 1st she gave some general feedback that I should know and she wants to clarify that do I know what am I doing and did I do the correct thing. While she was reading my critical review she did give me some comment where I shouldn't given such a long introduction where I should go straight to the point on the objective of this critical review and ms jinchi said I should write my critical review in a proper language where I did it in more like a conversation where is more casual. The two main point is, 1st straight to the point in the introduction and 2nd is my language. Overall ok.
Critical Review 1
The Psychological Impact of Infographics in Education
Critical Review 2
The Effectiveness Of Using Interactive Infographics At Teaching Mathematics In Elementary School
Critical Review 3
Effectiveness of Using Infographics as an Approach for Teaching Programming Fundamentals on Developing Analytical Thinking Skills for High School Students in the City of Makkah in Saudi Arabia
Critical Review 4
Effects of Infographics on Student Achievement and Students' Perceptions of the Impacts of Infographics
Critical Review 5
Critical Review 5
The Use of Infographics as a Tool for Facilitating Learning
Critical Review 6
Teaching with Infographics: Practicing New Digital Competencies and Visual Literacies
Critical Review 7
Effects of Infographics on Students Achievement and Attitude towards Geography Lessons
Critical Review 8
Critical Review 6
Teaching with Infographics: Practicing New Digital Competencies and Visual Literacies
Effects of Infographics on Students Achievement and Attitude towards Geography Lessons
Approaches of designers in the developed educational purposes of infographics design processes
Critical Review 9
Infographics for Educational Purposes: Their Structure, Properties and Reader Approaches
Critical Review 10
An Investigation toward Advantages, Design Principles and Steps of Infographics in Education
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