01/04/2019 - 13/05/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 7 )
Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 )
Publishing design
Week 2 lecture slides
Week 4 lecture slides
Week 2 lecture slides
Week 3 lecture slides
Week 4 lecture slides
Week 5 lecture slides
Week 1
Mr Vinod went through the MIB with us to show us on what are we expected to do for individual projects and the final project. After the walk through the MIB, Mr Vinod showed us some of the seniors work to make us have a clearer image on what is expected to do.
Week 2
Exercise 1
For our 1st exercise we have to 1st come out with 3 size of our book where the final which we will choose one of the size, restrictions is the book must be bigger than A5 smaller than A4.
Exercise 2
After the books size is confirm, ex 2 we have to measure 8 piece of paper of the same size of our book, after we have all the measurement is done, Mr Vinod showed us on how to staple our book in a accurate way. After that we have to cut out the size of our book. Mr Vinod showed us how to cut the book correctly if not the conner of the book will be untidy.
Week 3
Exercise 3
For this week we did 2 exercise, the 1st one is Signature folding system and the 2nd one is classical grid structure.
For this 1st exercise of the day we have to prepare a A3 paper and fold it in to half for 3 times, and we have to number the page from page 1 to page 16.
Image 1.1
Image 1.2
For the second exercise we have to prepare a piece of A3 paper and cut out the size of our book, where we have to prepare for the exercise as we have to follow step by step which mr vinod did show us, this exercise is to show us on where should our content should by at and our content should not exit from the box that have been highlighted.
Image 1.3 1st attempt
At the end I try to connect the lines, but it does not match where Mr Vinod said that if any lines that is off even a single mm, it will run out at the end it will run out of approximately 4mm at the end so the lines must be very accurate.
Image 1.4 Final attempt
With almost close to accurate the lines met together at the end, which makes it a perfect grid system for my story book which content should not be out of the box that has been high lighter.
Week 4
Exercise 4
we have to print out 5 spread of a layout that we think is interesting that is from the same book and we have to identify things like which is the text field, hang line, column, rows and gutters.
we have to exchanging 3 piece of other peoples spread and identity the things that is needed to.
Image 1.6 grid exercise
Image 1.7 grid exercise
Image 1.8 grid exercise
Image 1.9 grid exercise
Image 2.0 grid exercise
For this week we have to create a gif where by only using 1 or 2 colours for the whole gif red and white.
Gif 1.5 Ex 5
Week 5
Exercise 5
we have to use back the same grid, but we have to change our layout we have introduction 1 more colour, but the hard part is we have to introduce it nicely and we can't use the 3rd colour extensively.
Gif 2.1 Ex 5
Week 2 :
General Feedback: Is important for us to do a lot of research before we do or decide on our illustration style for the project 1.
Specific Feedback: May be I can consider to have bigger book on to show or to indicate the size of mine, or may be I can think of anything that can be related to me and put in on the book it will be.
General Feedback: Is important for us to do a lot of research before we do or decide on our illustration style for the project 1.
Specific Feedback: May be I can consider to have bigger book on to show or to indicate the size of mine, or may be I can think of anything that can be related to me and put in on the book it will be.
Week 3 :
General feedback: While we are taking pictures of our work, we have to zoom in to avoid the work looking distorted.
Week 4 :
Specific Feedback: The exercise I did was ok, as there is room for improvement.
Week 5 :
Specific Feedback: Very well done, big improvement. Good job.
Week 4 :
Specific Feedback: The exercise I did was ok, as there is room for improvement.
Week 5 :
Specific Feedback: Very well done, big improvement. Good job.
Week 3
The things that I find out is, I don't know that we have a special way of constructing a composition grid system by using a mathematical system that mr Vinod thought us, it was something new to me.
Week 2
I was shook on how tidy the covers of the book can be after the trim, and I though we have to use a lot of strength to cut out all the paper but, for this time mr Vinod said that we just have to make sure the 1st few lines are accurate than the other lines will be accurate too but when we start cutting we have to finish it till the end to be accurate and our hand must hold the rules firmly.
I was shook on how tidy the covers of the book can be after the trim, and I though we have to use a lot of strength to cut out all the paper but, for this time mr Vinod said that we just have to make sure the 1st few lines are accurate than the other lines will be accurate too but when we start cutting we have to finish it till the end to be accurate and our hand must hold the rules firmly.
Week 3
I experience something from the exercise 1 for this week, if I don't not make match of lines accurate from the start, at the end the lines will run out and don't match each other.
Week 2
I realised that it was really easy for me to cut the thick book without using a lot of strength as long as we press firmly on the ruler.
Week 3
I observed that we must hold our ruler firmly, because if the lines move off even a single mm at the very end I had a 4mm space which it affects the box to not match.
Week 2
All the while I though only machine can cut such a perfect covers of the book, but after mr Vinod thought us the correct way on cutting the books I only knew manually we also can do so.
All the while I though only machine can cut such a perfect covers of the book, but after mr Vinod thought us the correct way on cutting the books I only knew manually we also can do so.
Week 3
The things that I find out is, I don't know that we have a special way of constructing a composition grid system by using a mathematical system that mr Vinod thought us, it was something new to me.
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