Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 )
Brand Corporate Identity
Week 1
For our Project 1B, we had to go around to take pictures of logos, flyers, price tags, labels, packaging, etc. we have to study on the company, graphical elements, typography and adding it with a short write up.
Week 1 - 03/04/2019
I went to BEN'S supermarket at publika to get our task done, as I felt that they have a more international grocery item for us to choose from.
For our Project 1B, we had to go around to take pictures of logos, flyers, price tags, labels, packaging, etc. we have to study on the company, graphical elements, typography and adding it with a short write up.
Week 1 - 03/04/2019
I went to BEN'S supermarket at publika to get our task done, as I felt that they have a more international grocery item for us to choose from.
Week 2 collection
week 3 - 17/04/2019
as for this week I went to cold storage for my logo collection.
as for this week I went to cold storage for my logo collection.
Week 4 - 24/04/2019
After getting back the feedback from ms Li lian, I have decided to change my direction on searching for logo or brands where it will benefit be me with a wider rage of information that I will gain from the different of aspect in different kind of business.
Week 5 - 01/05/2019
For this week its a mixture of different company which I feel it will be more beneficial for me as I will cover a big rage of different type of logo to analysis. so for this week I will randomly choose company to analyse.
Final compilation of the 100 logo analysis
Week 1
Specific Feedback: Very organise, can elaborate more about my comments on more different kind of views may be on typo may be on colour and etc those points mention can be added into the next practice.
Specific Feedback: Very organise, can elaborate more about my comments on more different kind of views may be on typo may be on colour and etc those points mention can be added into the next practice.
Week 2
Specific Feedback: A very clear and organised slides for my slides, it's important for us to see or read through the websites of the particular company. We will learn something from the website.
Week 3
Specific Feedback : Clear slides but I have to try something away from super market. Something like shop names, clothing brand and etc.
Week 4
Specific Feedback : Is good that I have change the direction of my logo analysis where I will benefit me more from analysing different kind of logo from different brands.
Week 5
Specific Feedback : No feedback was given, as we have a presentation for project 3 and also a consultation session for project 2.
Indeed its a good module for us where we will learn a lot of things from this project and it also did help me to know what are the do's and don's for my own logo development. which it also help me to identify one what are some of the suitable font used in each different categories on mark.
i observe that there is alot of company which is in the same line for example "food industry", which they all have some how have the same style while they design their logo and when they apply the logo in their packaging most of it have a contrasting shape to work with the logo. That's how I find it it will make the logo stands out from the complexity of information in a packaging.
I find that this project is very beneficial for me, I did learn a lot from this project. For examples like how do the industry apply their logo on a product with a specific kind of style.
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