29/04/2019 - 20/05/2019 ( Week 5 - Week 8 )
Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 )
Publishing design 
Project 2 


Week 5 lecture



29/04/2019 (Week 5 )

After completing the project 1, a story with 3000 words. we were briefed on the next stage where we have to come out with a suitable combination of title and content font which is called type specimen sheet. where we have to experiment with a few different combinations of type consist of heading, body text, subtexts and pull quote. At the same time, we have to create 3 grid systems and select one to experiment with our book layout. We have to use the start of chapter 1 until the end of chapter 1 to text out the gird that we have created. 

Type specimen sheet:

Fig 1: Type Specimen Sheet 1

Fig 2: Type Specimen Sheet 2

The combination of type I decided to use to experiment with the layout is:

Erica one: Title 
Body text: Minion pro ( regular )
Pullquote: Minion pro ( regular )
Subtext: Minion pro ( italic )

3 Possible Grid System

Fig 3: 5 columns x 7 rows 

Fig 4: 2 columns x 5 rows 

Fig 5: 3 columns x 4 rows

For the experimental layout, I decided to go with Fig 3: 5 columns x 7 rows.

First Experimental Layout:

For this week we have to print out our spread for Mr. Vinod to see and give feedback. 

06/05/2019 ( Week 6 )

Second, try after feedback:

after the 2nd version is done, Mr. Vinod said that my book won't work if I still stick to my old style "Accordion Folding" so I decided to change back to the normal staple bind. which I have to remove all the visuals out from the box which will look better. 

Third version after feedback:


after all the layout is done, we have to print it out to the actual size of our book in black and white scale. 

Fig 6: Mock up for story book

Fig 7: Mock up for story book

Fig 8: Mock up for story book

Fig 9: Mock up for story book

Fig 10: Mock up for story book

13/05/2109 ( Week 7 )

After getthing back some feedback on the printed book we have to show the updated book

Fig 11: Updated story book

Fig 12: Updated story book

Fig 13: Updated story book

Fig 14: Updated story book

Fig 15: Updated story book

Fig 16: Updated story book

Fig 17: Updated story book

Fig 18: Updated story book

Fig 19: Updated story book

Fig 20: Updated story book

Fig 21: Updated story book

Fig 22: Updated story book

Fig 23: Updated story book

Fig 24: Updated story book

Fig 25: Updated story book

Fig 26: Updated story book

Fig 27: Updated story book

Fig 28: Updated story book

Fig 29: Updated story book

Fig 30: Updated story book

Fig 31: Updated story book

Fig 32: Updated story book

Fig 33: Updated story book

Fig 34: Updated story book

Fig 35: PDF Updated story book

After all, changes is made and the book is confirmed we have to print it out the actual book to submit where ther are a few pictres of the final book below:

Fig 36: Final story book

Fig 37: Final story book

Fig 38: Final story book

Fig 39: Final story book

Fig 40: Final story book

Fig 41: Final storybook


Week 5 

Specific feedback: Identify a better color scheme, I can think off-putting in color on each page, compared to just the paper color.

Week 6

General feedback: We have to make sure that our formatting of text is correct, especially the leading and paragraph spacing.

Specific feedback: I should have a consistent look in my context, I have to utilize the whole page, to keep a consistent flow of context. Title 14pt, text 12pt, subtext 9pt. I have to identify a dedicated space for the text to be as compared to what I did was the text is all around the page. I should not add in any design of text in 1st as I have to master the flow of context 1st beforehand. Some of the point sizes of my text have to reduce.

Week 7
General Feedback: Next week is a public holiday for Monday class, as we still have to print out a color spread of our full layout and also print the black and white version of the mock-up book and show it to Mr. Vinod on Tuesday.

Specific Feedback: As for now I have to change the style of my book which the previous style does not work, so I have decided to change to the normal book. I have to redo the layout of my book as for the illustration I have to keep it re
latively small as the illustration I had very little detail.

Week 8

Specific feedback : The layout is good but the visuals are a little turn down because the initial idea of the book is a laser cutting book where white space will be laser cut out and only left with silhouette, that will work if my visuals are done in that manner, but for now the visuals are not till standard as compared to my friends. Mr. Vinod's advice is to redo the visuals to get a better grade

Week 9

General Feedback: we have to print outer publishing book and upload onto our blog and also finish up the ebook animation by the following class
Specific Feedback: The layout of the ebook is ok but some pages still look like its a two-page book where I should treat this ebook as a one-page layout.



Week 5

- This week since the content of the storybook is done, we have to start to do the visuals for our content.

Week 6

- For this week, there are still some changes going on with the layout of my storybook, where there are some changes happen to the storybook where the Accordion Folding method for my book does not work where I have to change back to staple bind.

Week 7
- Till this week the layout of the storybook is done where there are some changes in the placement of the visuals, and the visuals are supposed to use as a silhouette but now it became a main visual to be used in the storybook which it should have more details on it as it was a turn down for the storybook. 

Week 8

- Things have to go on where there is no time for me to do any changes for the visuals where we have another subject to focus on. where the layout and visual still remains the same and there is a limitation when I am animating the visuals for our ebook. 

Week 9

- Adding in some different shades of grey colors as the background of the storybook makes it looks visually better. 


Week 5

- it was very useful for us where the type specimen sheet where we are able to see and match the different types of fonts to use in the storybook. 

Week 6

- After the changes in the layout of the storybook, it looks much better as compared to the 1st version.  

Week 7

- I observed that after a few attempts of changes in the layout of the storybook, it getting there where the layout of the book getting better. 

Week 8

- I observed that if I take the time to change all the visuals, I won't be able to catch up with the other 4 subject's projects and dateline where I made up my mind to stick with what I have. 

Week 9

- I notice that by adding in some colors randomly in the storybook does make the storybook looks better.  


Week 5

- it was kind of hard for me to identify how and where to place the text in the layout of the storybook.  

Week 6

- after a few attempts of the layout, I am starting to get there and know how the layout is working out. 

Week 7

- As I was fixing the layout of the storybook, I find out that I tent to lost consistency in the layout when I look back at the layout of the book. 

Week 8

- I found out that if I would just stick to the 1st idea of my storybook which is illustrating the visuals like how every other people is doing for their book, I won't end up being like that and having such kind of visuals for my storybook 

Week 9

- The randomly place different shades of grey in the storybook makes the storybook looks better.  


Author: Downman, Scott

Every person who design publications should know that they have to make sure their product is readable and able to communicate their intended message. The five most crucial factors are :
1. Kerning
Understanding the role of kerning in publication design is critical and very important. Kerning is a distance between letters. Kerning is commonly altered in the sub-editing of news stories as a means of helping stories fit into allocated spaces.
2. Leading
Leading is the term used to describe the distance between lines of type. Leading can also be adjusted to help text fit into allocated space. However, when the leading is too much, the text will look squashed or strung out.
3. Tracking 
Tracking is the term used to describe the spacing between words. It’s barely used to manipulate typography because it generally not considered aesthetically wise or necessary.  In its most basic form, tracking is broken down into the classification of very tight, tight, normal, loose, very loose.
4. Alignment
The way the text is presented or aligned can greatly influence the reaction of the reader. The four most common alignments are flush left, justified, flush right and centered. 
The broadest subject to define typography is the font. The used font is critical in layout and design. Although some of the new fonts do assist readability, readers’ eyes have become accustomed to reading certain regularly-used fonts.


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