
Showing posts from April, 2019


03/04/2019 - 08/05/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 6 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Brand Corporate Identity Project 2   INSTRUCTIONS Week 1 - 03/04/2019  for week 1 we have to come out with an imaginary company for we also can choose a company which u think that is possible to rebrand. For me 1st I have chosen Tadika chim to rebrand and on the other side is an imaginary restaurant Paradise. It was hard for me to choose as one of it tadika chim is my grand ma kindergarten and the other one is a imaginary restaurant which I have been working on from semester 2.   Collection logo of Tadika chim and Paradise restaurant Week 2 - 10/04/2019   For this week I have decided to focus on Tadika Chim because it will be challenging for me to work with Chim as I have a lot of restrictions, rules and regulations to work it as said by Ms Lilian.  Week 2 collection of 20 logo sketches  Week 3 - 17/04/...


03/04/2019 - 08/05/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 6 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Brand Corporate Identity Project 1B   LECTURE Ms Lilian have a brief explanation and go though of this website. she went through the each point of each mark or logo and explain on how or where is mark suitable to apply on.    INSTRUCTIONS Week 1 For our Project 1B, we had to go around to take pictures of logos, flyers, price tags, labels, packaging, etc. we have to study on the company, graphical elements, typography and adding it with a short write up.  Week 1 -  03/04/2019  I went to BEN'S supermarket at publika to get our task done, as I felt that they have a more international grocery item for us to choose from.  Week 1 collection  Week 2 - 10/04/2019  for this week as usual I love grocery shopping ...


03/04/2019 - 10/04/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 2 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Brand Corporate Identity Project 1A   LECTURE NOTES Week 2 Lecture slides  INSTRUCTIONS Week 1  We had a introduction of our lecturer Ms Li Lian and in return we have to introduce ourself to her because she is a new lecturer to us. After the session we was brief with our 1st few projects which is Project 1A, 1B, Project 2 and a little of Project 3, because 4 project starts together and ends together too on week 6.  Week 2  In details we was briefed for this project 1A, as for we have to answer and do research on the 3 questions 1. What is brand?, 2. What is brand identity?, 3. What is branding? besides that we have to choose a well Establish company to work for our case study. there is no limitation on what we want to talk or show on our slides, we can put in as much as information in as we like but we have a limitation of 15minute...


11/06/2019 - 02/07/2019 ( Week 11 - Week 14 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Dissertation  Final Project : Research for publication  INSTRUCTIONS week 11  for this week we was brief for this new project, as we was told that we have to find 3 suitable journals for our dissertation. on the other hadn't we are supposed to have a short rationale on why is that chosen journal suitable for our topic.  Week 12 we have to start on our article with also a full rationale on why is that journal suitable for our topic. Week 14 for this week we have to Submit our final article by following the format of the journal that we have chosen. this is the information that I found for my chosen journal   FEEDBACK  week 11 no feedback only lecture week 12  the 3 chosen journal is ok, but Elsevier is the suitable one fo...


07/05/2019 - 04/06/2019 ( Week 6 - Week 10 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Dissertation  Project 2: Complete Dissertation with Visual Design Publication INSTRUCTIONS 13/05/2019 (Week 7) For today we have to come out with a slide to show ms jinchi about our initial idea for our book design, with a short rationale on why would we choose that path.  28/05/2019 (Week 9) For this week we have to work on our own as the design book must be submitted by next week.   Image 1: Process Image 2: Process Image 3: Process Image 4: Process 07/06/2019 (Week 10) Final design dissertation book.  Final book design PDF PDF Final Turn it in report  FEEDBACK  week 7 - feedback (online) I have to write a short rationale to support how would my chosen book design fits into my research topic week 8 - feedback online The...


02/04/2019 - 07/05/2019 ( Week 1 - Week 6 ) Chong Siong Loong Ron ( 0334452 ) Design Research Dissertation  Project 1: Research Implementation - Draft Dissertation INSTRUCTIONS 02/04/2019 ( Week 1 ) In our first class of this module, we were briefed and introduce to what this module is all about and how are we going to move forward from the previous module.  1st, for our project we have to create a draft of our dissertation, the contents that are needed is too included in the assignment brief. we were told to refresh our memory on our slides from the previous semester.  In the class ms jinchi told us to create a matrix for out topic. Based on our research question we have to highlight the key words which we will be discussing in our dissertation. For each keyword/topic, we need to have different columns for individual columns.       09/04/2019 ( Week 2 ) after the matrix's is done we...